Monday, February 18, 2008

God vs. Christianity

I know there's a god... Okay so that's not true... I *believe* there's a god due to experiences I've had where my senses have been touched by an entity I believe is a higher power. Short version being: I have *felt* god.

So I have no problem believing in God... I just have a problem accepting a definition of this God from Christianity. Or rather, the church, who is supposes to represent him on Earth.

More on this later...


Blogger INTeJer said...

we would have no Christianity today if not for the church... where else will you find your definition? your interpretation of Scripture rests at least partly on theologies developed by the church over centuries of time. the versions of the Bible that you read are because of the church. you would have not known how to interpret your spiritual experiences as well as you have, had there never been a church.

bottom line, there's no escaping the framework they've set for you. even if you completely reject the church's doctrines and go the opposite direction, your viewpoint still rests on the church, since without their beliefs you would not have your opposing beliefs!

you know all this already... i just love talking about Christianity.

February 19, 2008 at 7:35 PM  

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